Pronto Insurance Named One of Top 26 Franchises for Hispanics

August 3, 2010

Auto insurance provider Pronto Insurance, headquartered in Brownsville, Texas, has been selected as one of Oakland, Calif.-based World Franchising Network’s (WFN) Top 26 Franchises for Hispanics for 2010.

The annual list of the Top 26 Franchises for Hispanics (formally “Top 25”) was published in the July issue of PODER (“ability” or “power” in Spanish) Magazine, the successor to Hispanic Enterprise.

The WFN developed the list based on a rigorous analysis of several factors, including historical performance, brand identification, franchisee satisfaction, training, on-going support and financial stability. Another important determinant is the percentage of existing franchises that are Hispanic-owned, as well as the number of Hispanics in the franchisor’s top levels of management.

The Top Franchises for Hispanics list was initially compiled by the National Minority Franchising Initiative (NMFI), a program launched by World Franchising Network (WFN) in 2000 to level the playing field and meet the needs of a largely under-represented market.

Pronto Insurance provides auto insurance in Texas through more than 70 locations statewide, including those inside select H-E-B locations in the Corpus Christi, Rio Grande Valley, Laredo, San Antonio and Houston markets.

Source: Pronto Insurance