Louisiana Agent Accused of Misappropriating Premium

July 8, 2010

A West Monroe, La., agent has been served by Department of Insurance Fraud Section Investigators with a cease and desist order, a summary suspension order and fine notice for alleged misappropriation and misrepresentation.

Michael Ryan Evans, 26, who faces a $3,350 fine, was also arrested by the Louisiana State Police Insurance Fraud/Auto theft Unit.

Prior to and including 2010, Evans is alleged to have misappropriated or unlawfully withheld premiums totaling approximately $12,884.74, and also falsely and fraudulently misrepresented the terms of the insurance contract.

Department records show that Evans held property and casualty licenses effective Jan. 6, 2006, through Apr. 30, 2011. Both licenses have been summarily suspended. Additionally, Evans previously held agent licenses for vehicle physical damage, life, and accident and health insurance.

Evans has 30 days from the time of notice to file a written demand for an administrative hearing to contest the regulatory action taken against him by the Department of Insurance.

Source: Louisiana Department of Insurance