Former Texas Insurance Dept. General Counsel Joins Thompson, Coe

July 2, 2010

Will D. Davis, a Texas attorney specializing in insurance law, has joined the Austin, Texas, office of Thompson, Coe, Cousins & Irons LLP.

Davis, a former general counsel for the Texas Department of Insurance, joined Thompson Coe from the Heath, Davis & McCalla law firm, of which he was one of the founders. He also has served as an Assistant Attorney General of Texas.

Davis is active in representing insurance company clients before the Texas Legislature, the Texas Department of Insurance, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and other state insurance regulatory authorities on all matters pertaining to insurance, with particular emphasis upon insurance legislation, examination, investments, financial activities, acquisitions, mergers, reinsurance and affiliate transactions under insurance holding company laws.

He has also testified as an expert witness on insurance issues in numerous court and administrative proceedings.

Source: Thompson, Coe, Cousins & Irons LLP