Boldt Named Texas Accredited Customer Service Rep. of the Year

June 24, 2010

The Independent Insurance Agents of Texas (IIAT) honored Stacey Boldt, assistant branch manager with Town & Country Insurance in Galveston, with the Accredited Customer Service Representative (ACSR) of the Year award at IIAT’s 113th Annual Conference and Trade Show on June 14.

This award is given annually to an ACSR in Texas who exemplifies outstanding leadership and service to the independent agency system and to the public.

Boldt began her insurance career in 1996 when she went to work for her mom who was an American National managing agent. She acquired her property/casualty and life and health licenses in 1999, and had her own American National agency from 1999 to 2002.

In 2003, Boldt joined Town & Country Insurance in Galveston as an account manager for personal lines. After three years she was promoted to personal lines manager, and in November 2008, just after Hurricane Ike, she was promoted to assistant branch manager.

Boldt displayed her excellent ACSR skills and commitment to her customers following Hurricane Ike. After two feet of water closed the Galveston office, she worked tirelessly, even on the weekends, to help hundreds of people with thousands of claims.

All the while, she helped her branch manager handle the personnel problems of a shorthanded staff affected by the storm. Boldt set up an outdoor office in the parking lot of the storm-damaged Galveston office to help customers who were in desperate situations.

The ACSR of the Year receives a cash prize, a complimentary trip to the IIAT Conference and Trade Show, and is nominated for the National ACSR of the Year award program sponsored by the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America.

Source: IIAT