Texas Students Awarded Insurance Council Scholarships

February 22, 2010

The Insurance Council of Texas (ICT) has awarded academic scholarships to students at Southern Methodist University (SMU) and the University of Houston – Downtown (UHD). The students represent each school’s Insurance and Risk Management program.

In Dallas, ICT’s Education Foundation president Tony Gonzalez awarded the academic scholarship to Robert Sajovich, a student at SMU’s Cox School of Business.

In Houston, ICT’s Mark Hanna awarded academic scholarships to UHD’s Amanda Underwood and Christopher Alvarado.

Both SMU and UHD were recently added to the list of colleges and universities that the ICT Education Foundation is supporting through academic achievement funds and student scholarships. Hanna said the location of both universities is critical in providing the insurance industry with well-qualified applicants.

To date, ICT’s Education Foundation has provided academic funding and scholarships to nine universities. They include the University of Texas at Austin, Baylor University, the University of North Texas, the University of Texas at San Antonio, the University of Texas Pan American, Huston-Tillotson University, Texas Southern University, Southern Methodist University and the University of Houston-Downtown.

ICT’s Education Foundation has distributed more than $300,000 to 154 students and their degree programs in Texas.

Source: Insurance Council of Texas, www.insurancecouncil.org