Louisiana Insurance Agents Fined for Alleged Fraud

September 24, 2009

Two Denham Springs, La., insurance agents have been accused of committing insurance fraud, and were served with cease and desist orders, summary suspension notices and fine notices by the Louisiana Department of Insurance.

Christine Touchet, 37, was served on Sept. 16 with an order to cease and desist from engaging in the business of insurance, a summary suspension notice and a $4,000 fine notice. Jordan Touchet, 19, was also served with a cease and desist order, a summary suspension notice and a $3,750 fine notice.

Christine Touchet is alleged to have written 16 insurance applications on individuals without their consent in which she received over $3,089 in commissions. Jordan Touchet is alleged to have written 15 insurance applications on individuals without their consent in which he received over $1,525 in commissions.

Department records show that Christine Touchet was issued a Life, Accident and Health license in May 2008 which was valid until it was summarily suspended by the current action.
Records show that Jordan Touchet was issued an Accident and Health license in August 2008 which was also valid until it was summarily suspended.

Both licenses will be permanently revoked on October 16 unless the Department receives requests for hearings.

Source: Louisiana Department of Insurance