Huff Honored with Insurance Council of Texas’ Raymond Mauk Award

July 24, 2009

The Insurance Council of Texas has presented William H. “Bill” Huff, vice president of Regulatory Affairs for Affirmative Insurance, with the Raymond Mauk Leadership Award. Huff is the twelfth recipient of the award, which is the ICT’s highest honor.

The Raymond Mauk Leadership award is intended to bestow recognition on those whose labor has made a significant difference in the business of insurance. Huff was presented with the award July 23 at the organization’s 17th Annual Mid-Year Property and Casualty Symposium.

Huff is a former Iowa insurance commissioner and Iowa state legislator. As insurance commissioner, Huff was active in the National Association of Insurance Commissioners where he advanced important consumer issues such as unfair claim settlement practices and life insurance cost disclosure. He wrote the first NAIC market conduct manual and developed the first complaint handling logs for both insurance departments and companies. He was elected president of the NAIC in 1975.

In 1976, Huff moved to Dallas and joined Employers Casualty. He twice served as chairman of the Texas Medical Liability Insurance Joint Underwriting Association, and has served as chairman of the Texas Market Assistance Program, president of the Association of Fire and Casualty Companies in Texas (AFACT) and as founding director of the Workers’ Compensation Research Institute. Huff currently serves on the board of the National Arthritis Foundation.

The Raymond Mauk Award honors former Texas Fire Commissioner Raymond Mauk and annually recognizes someone who has made a notable contribution to the Texas property and casualty insurance industry.

Source: The Insurance Council of Texas.