Arkansas Workers’ Comp Commission Summarizes New Law

July 9, 2009

The Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission has posted on its Web site a summary of changes to workers’ comp regulations as a result of the passage of Act 237 during the 2009 legislative session.

According to the AWCC, Arkansas Act 237:

  • Prohibits an offset for benefits previously paid by a group disability policy if the policy was purchased by the injured worker
  • Clarifies that the employer at the time of the compensable injury is liable for benefits for PPD or PTD claims made on or after Jan. 1, 2008
  • Shifts the liability for PTD benefit payments compensable by the Second Injury Fund to the Arkansas Death and Permanent Total Disability Trust Fund, effective Jan. 1, 2010
  • Requires the Arkansas Contractors Licensing Board to obtain proof of workers’ compensation coverage prior to issuing or renewing a license to contractor
  • Affirms that the Contractors Licensing Board has the authority to not issue or to revoke a contractor’s license for failure to obtain or maintain workers’ compensation coverage as required by law.

Source: Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission,