Logjam in Texas House Threatens Windstorm Bill, Other Legislation

May 26, 2009

Democratic members of the Texas House of Representatives have been using stalling tactics to avoid a vote on a controversial Voter ID bill widely supported by Republicans.

The only problem is, other measures, including a bill that addresses funding for the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association, are stacking up as time for legislative action winds down. The regular session ends May 31.

The Democrats appear to have won the battle to bring down the Voter ID bill, according to the Dallas Morning News. The fate of other bills is uncertain.

The Senate earlier in the month passed Senate Bill 14, which addresses the operation and funding of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA). The insurance industry has for years been trying to get lawmakers to revise they way TWIA, the insurer of last resort for wind and hail along the Texas coast, is funded.

A bill addressing the issue died on the last day of the session in 2007. The current bill appears to be in similar jeopardy.

After last year’s hurricanes Ike and Dolly, TWIA is effectively broke and many fear another hurricane hitting the coast this year would be catastrophic for the state.

“With both the start of hurricane season and the end of the legislative session rapidly approaching on June 1, the Texas Coalition for Affordable Insurance Solutions is concerned about the fate of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association reform bill,” says Beaman Floyd, executive director of TCAIS.

Gov. Rick Perry has brought up the possibility of a special session this summer to address TWIA funding if a bill is not passed in the regular session. But Floyd said a special session should be the least of lawmakers’ worries.

“A broke catastrophe fund, with no plan to prepare for or recover from a hurricane, is a recipe for disaster,” he said. “Sacrificing good TWIA policy to politics leaves Texas primed for a true statewide catastrophe.”