Texas Senate Passes Driver Education Bill

May 14, 2009

Drivers in Texas over the age of 18 but younger than 21 would have to take a driver’s education course before they could get a license, under a bill approved by the state Senate.

Currently in the state, an adult seeking a driver’s license for the first time must take a written and a road test, but not a driver’s education course.

SB 1317 author Senator Jeff Wentworth of San Antonio said that young drivers that haven’t taken an education course are more likely to have an accident than other groups, even 16 and 17 year-olds.

Wentworth said that these courses can be taken at more than 300 approved instruction companies, in person or on line. He said the course takes about six hours and costs around $35.

The original bill extended the requirement to drivers up to the age of 24, but the Senate voted in favor of an amendment by Houston Senator Dan Patrick to lower the requirement to drivers under 21.

SB 1317 has proceeded to the House where it will be considered by the committee on public safety.

Source: Texas Senate, www.senate.state.tx.us/