Independent Business Owners Earn $818K in Texas Mutual Dividends

January 26, 2009

Two workers’ compensation purchasing groups offered through Texas Mutual Insurance Company and the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) have earned a combined $818,512 in dividends. The dividends were based largely on the groups’ overall loss ratios.

The NFIB construction purchasing group earned a $514,649 dividend, and the NFIB wholesale/retail purchasing group earned $303,863.

In November, a third NFIB/Texas Mutual purchasing group for the manufacturing industry earned a $446,998 dividend.

Small-business members of the three purchasing groups have shared in a combined $2.7 million in group dividends since 2003. Many have also qualified for a share of the more than $595 million in dividends that Texas Mutual has paid to individual policyholders during the past 10 years.

Source: Texas Mutual Insurance Company,