Texas Seeks Suggestions for Workers’ Compensation Research Agenda

November 24, 2008

Texas House Bill (HB) 7 (79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005) included a new Section 405.0026, Texas Labor Code, which requires the Commissioner of Insurance to adopt an annual research agenda for the Workers’ Compensation Research and Evaluation Group (REG) at the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI).

TDI is currently requesting suggestions regarding the FY2009 research agenda from the general public and stakeholders.

Please e-mail your FY 2009 research project suggestions to WCResearch@tdi.state.tx.us by COB on Dec.12, 2008.

Once compiled, TDI will post the proposed research agenda in the Texas Register as required by Section 405.0026 of the Texas Labor Code.

In addition, the Commissioner of Insurance is required to hold a public hearing on the research agenda when requested by the public.

Source: Texas Department of Insurance