Federation of Insurance Women of Texas Elects New Officers

November 6, 2008

The Federation of Insurance Women of Texas (FIWT), celebrating 65 years in the insurance industry of Texas, installed new officers at its recent annual convention.

Susan Tyner, with Pulley Insurance, was elected president. Other elected officers include: President-Elect Teri Jones, with UBI; Vice President Linda Saupp, with Texas Specialty Underwriters; Recording Secretary Conya Harris, with Johnston Fiss Insurance; and Corresponding Secretary Cindy Jordan, with Barnard Insurance.

FIWT was founded on June 2, 1944, at Hotel Adolphus, Dallas, Texas. Ruth A. Fredde, president of the Insurance Women of Dallas, was elected as its first president.

FIWT has 18 local associations across the state, along with members-at-large and industry members. For more information about FIWT, visit the Web site at www.fiwt.com.

Source: FIWT