New Marketing Plan to Highlight SWBC’s Name Change, New Slogan

April 29, 2008

San Antonio-based insurance and financial services firm SWBC, formerly Southwest Business Corporation, launched a campaign to increase awareness of its recent name change and announced it will be using a new slogan: “We do that too.”

The company explained that for years SWBC has struggled with name recognition in the San Antonio area. Instead of being called Southwest Business Corporation, the company has decided to use SWBC.

“We received feedback that the name Southwest Business Corporation limits the company to a regional area,” said Chairman Charlie Amato. “SWBC actually does business in all 50 states.”

Amato also said using Southwest Business Corporation also gave people the perception the firm only does business with other businesses.

The new slogan is meant convey the message that the company offers many products and services to businesses, families and individuals.

SWBC offers personal and business insurance, employee benefits, mortgages, and investments.

During its local campaign, the company seeks to increase awareness of its presence and its rapid growth. At the end of 2006, SWBC’s gross revenue was $120 million, a number that increased by 54 percent to $185 million at the end of 2007.

The number of employees grew from 730 at the end of 2006 to 947 at the end of 2007. Currently, SWBC has 1,024 employees.

“To market our new name and slogan, we will be using conventional media like radio and print ads,” said Julie Ring, vice president of Marketing. “In addition, SWBC will be running billboards and ads at movie theatres and at the airport.”

Source: SWBC,