Okla. Senate Republicans: Dems Blocked Vote on Work Comp Reform

April 15, 2008

Oklahoma Senate Republicans say their Democratic peers have blocked consideration of an amendment on workers’ compensation reform.

Democrat Lt. Gov. Jari Askins recently broke a tie to help Senate Democrats block consideration of the amendment, which would have required Senate confirmation of gubernatorial appointments of judges to the Workers Compensation Court.

The amendment was authored by Senate Judiciary Committee Co-Chairman James A. Williamson, R-Tulsa.

“The Workers Comp Court is currently stacked with judges who are anti-business and pro-trial lawyer. This is a major factor in Oklahoma’s workers; comp insurance rates being among the highest in the nation,” stated Williamson. He added that the high cost of workers’ compensation insurance “is one of the top concerns I hear in my district.”

Source: Oklahoma Senate, www.lsb.state.ok.us/