Insurer Group Backs La. Auto-Related Bills

March 6, 2008

The American Insurance Association announced it is supporting a package of bills introduced by the Louisiana Property and Casualty Insurance Commission designed to improve safety on Louisiana road ways.

The Louisiana Property and Casualty Commission was charged with finding ways to reduce automobile accidents and has developed a package of five proposed bills for the 2008 Louisiana Legislative Session which is scheduled to begin March, 31, 2008. The five bills would:

–Prohibit drivers under 18 from driving while using a cell phone, handheld or not; text messaging devices; or any other wireless communication device.
–Ban radar detectors and “jammers” from vehicles as a way to thwart police from writing speeding tickets.
–Ban those under 21 from bars and microbreweries, but would allow a person under 21 to enter a restaurant with a bar.
–Expand the state’s seat belt law to require that all vehicle occupants be buckled up.
–Increase the fines for not wearing a seat belt in a moving vehicle.

Source: The American Insurance Association,