Texas Home Builders Work Comp Purchasing Group Opens Doors

March 4, 2008

Texas Mutual Insurance Company announced that the Texas Home Builders (THB) workers’ compensation purchasing group is now an open program. Any licensed Texas agent can help their clients take advantage of the group’s premium discount and custom safety services.

Hotchkiss Insurance Agency Inc. administers THB, and Texas Mutual Insurance Company underwrites it. THB previously operated as a hybrid program, which meant that only Hotchkiss agents and agents approved by Hotchkiss could place clients in the group.

THB is open to most segments of the home-building industry. Members get a premium discount based on the group’s premium volume, regardless of their individual premium size. They can also adopt an industry-specific safety plan and earn potential dividends if they control their losses.

For more information about THB, visit the Agents section at www.texasmutual.com.

Source: Texas Mutual Insurance Company