PCI Says Re-election of La. Commissioner a Positive Sign

October 25, 2007

The re-election of James Donelon as Louisiana insurance commissioner and the election of Republican Congressman Bobby Jindal as governor show that the state’s citizens have decided to continue down a positive path toward recovery and revitalization of both the state’s insurance marketplace and the overall business environment, according to the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI).

“Governor-elect Jindal and Commissioner Donelon have demonstrated a commitment to finding reasonable solutions that not only support consumers but also help stabilize the insurance marketplace,” said Greg LaCost, assistant vice president and regional manager for PCI. “We are pleased to continue our work with Commissioner Donelon who has shown fairness and creativity in addressing post-Katrina and Rita insurance issues.

“This past legislative session, Gov. Blanco and the commissioner earned high marks through their leadership and commitment to free-market solutions and incentives rather than heavy-handed regulation and government mandates.”

Jindal won election with 54 percent of the vote, enough to win outright and avoid a Nov. 17 runoff. Donelon received 51 percent of the vote.

Source: PCI