Republic Promotes Lawson, Adds Gonzalez

July 24, 2007

Dallas-based The Republic Group announced two key personnel appointments.

Ron Lawson was promoted to vice president – Personal Lines and Tony Gonzalez joined Republic, succeeding Lawson as assistant vice president, Marketing and Product Development.

Lawson joined Republic in 2004 as director of Product Development and Marketing and was promoted to assistant vice president in 2005.

He began his insurance career with Safeco Insurance Company in Atlanta in 1986. During his eighteen years at Safeco, he held increasingly senior positions, including that of assistant vice president of Marketing for the Dallas region. He later joined Cypress Texas Lloyds, a monoline personal property insurer, as director of Sales.

Lawson serves on the Board of Governors of the Texas FAIR Plan Association, the Governing Committee of the Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association (TAIPA) and the Board of Directors of the Southwest Insurance Information Service (SIIS). He also is a past director of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association.

Prior to joining Republic, Gonzalez was assistant vice president – Region Sales and Distribution Leader for Safeco Insurance. During his seventeen years at Safeco held positions in the disciplines of sales, commercial lines, territory management, and premium audit. Prior to his tenure with Safeco Insurance, Gonzalez focused on premium auditing in his positions with American General, USF&G and Crum & Forster.

Gonzalez is active in industry affairs, serving as a director of the Insurance Council of Texas (ICT), president of ICT’s Educational Foundation, chair of ICT’s Audit Committee and co-chair of Independent Insurance Agents of Dallas Committee on Agency and Company Relations.

Source: The Republic Group,