Target Markets to Provide Assistance to New Orleans Business Owners

April 12, 2007

TMPAA Charities – the charitable arm of the Target Markets Program Administrators Association – announced recently that “The Idea Village” has been chosen as the entity’s 2007 fund raising target. According to TMPAA President Greg Thompson, “The Idea Village provides direct assistance to entrepreneurs in the New Orleans area who lost their businesses in the hurricanes of 2005.”

Thompson said the TMPAA’s newly formed charity would give its “members the opportunity to share their success with focused business related charities. … The Idea Village is an ideal example of the type of altruistic organization we will be targeting in the future.”

Tim Williamson, president and co-founder of The Idea Village stated that the contributions of TMPAA Charities, along with their “critical support of entrepreneurship is an important catalyst to igniting social and economic change in New Orleans. It is this creative combination of resources that will drive the recovery and revitalization of a great American city.”

TMPAA Charities provides financial and practical support to individuals and corporations involved in the insurance industry that are suffering from financial hardship. Situations that would qualify for aid include the impact of a natural disaster, change in economic conditions, accident, or illness. TMPAA Charities will also provide support for the dependent relatives of past and present insurance industry employees who are suffering from financial hardship.

TMPAA’s announcement said additional information about the Idea Village project will be provided to the Association’s membership during the group’s upcoming mid-year meeting, scheduled for May 7-9, 2007 in Atlanta, Ga.

Source: TMPAA