Okla. Panel Approves Medicaid Expansion Plan

February 23, 2007

A bill to expand the number of Oklahoma children that qualify for Medicaid benefits passed the Senate Rules Committee on Wednesday.

Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry urged passage of the “All Kids Act” in his State of the State speech on Feb. 5 and the proposal was included in the agenda of Senate Democrats.

Sen. Tom Adelson, D-Tulsa, is author of the measure, which would increase the Medicaid eligibility for children from 185 percent of the poverty level to 300 percent, the maximum allowed by the federal government.

Children whose parents make $37,000 or less a year are now eligible for Medicaid coverage. Adeleson’s bill would increase that to $60,000 a year.

Under the program, the state would put up $8.5 million, allowing it to draw down almost $30 million in federal matching funds.

“By far the largest group among the uninsured in our state are children who honestly fall through the cracks,” said Senate President Pro Tem Mike Morgan, D-Stillwater. “Their parents don’t make enough to afford health insurance, but make too much to be eligible for Medicaid.

“This legislation will provide a bridge, giving these children access to quality health are and allowing them to lead healthy, productive lives.”
