Okla. Governor Signs Small Business Insurance Plan

June 12, 2006

Gov. Brad Henry on June 9 signed into law a bill to expand health insurance coverage to small businesses and their employees.

It was among more than a dozen bills passed during the final week of the legislative session that Henry signed. Their signing closed the book on the 2006 Legislature.

The “Insure Oklahoma” program passed in 2004, providing government subsidies to businesses with up to 25 employees to buy health care insurance. The bill signed on Friday extends the program to businesses with up to 50 workers.

“By strengthening ‘Insure Oklahoma,’ we are helping small businesses provide health insurance for their employees and subsequently reduce business costs for themselves,” the governor said.

“One of the biggest factors in health care and business costs is the alarming percentage of citizens without health insurance. More Oklahomans with adequate health insurance will result in healthier businesses and healthier citizens.”

Rep. Kris Steele, R-Shawnee, and Sen. Tom Adelson, D-Tulsa, sponsored the legislation.

Henry also signed another bill by Steele and Adelson that makes changes in the state Medicaid system.

Proponents say it will cut costs by moving away from a “one-size-fits-all” system to one that is tailored to each individual patient’s needs.

Under the new system, recipients will choose from a menu of options and services to match their own needs, Steele said. He said participants will be allowed to opt out of Medicaid and use their state “premium” to take part in employer-sponsored health care plans.

Henry also vetoed five bills, including one that he said sets an arbitrary date for the destruction of exhibits in court cases that he said may be too short and could complicate felony cases if new evidence or forensic techniques become available.