Pierson & Fendley Joins Texas’ CAA

May 2, 2006

Combined Agents of America LLC (CAA), headquartered in Austin, Texas, Pierson & Fendley Insurance Agency LLC of Paris, Texas, joined CAA as its 34th member.

“Pierson & Fendley Insurance Agency brings to CAA an independent agency with a very progressive perpetuation plan in place,” said Jerry Boles, CAA chairman and president of Grona Boles & Martin Insurance & Financial Services, San Antonio. “Both the son and son-in-law of the agency’s president, Curtis Fendley, are partners in the agency and will lead the agency in the future. Perpetuation is a key issue facing independent agencies and CAA is pleased to have such a valuable partner within our organization.”

Pierson & Fendley has served Paris, Texas, and surrounding areas for over 70 years. Led by its president, Curtis Fendley, Pierson & Fendley a full service agency and works primarily with Central Insurance Companies, The Republic Group, Safeco, Travelers, Encompass Insurance, and Union Standard Insurance Group.

Curtis Fendley has served on a number of Independent Insurance Agents of Texas (IIAT) committees and will be installed as a board member at IIAT’s annual conference, June 15-16, Houston.

“We are delighted to be associated with this professional group of agents that encompass CAA and look forward to a long and mutually beneficial working relationship,” said Curtis Fendley.