Work Comp Groups Select Texas Mutual’s Health Care Network Option

April 14, 2006

Dallas-based Hotchkiss Insurance Agency Inc. (HIA) announced that Texas Home Builders (THB) Workers’ Compensation Purchasing Group and Texas Green Industry (TGI) Workers’ Compensation Purchasing Group members will have access to a new workers’ comp health care network option offered by Texas Mutual Insurance Company.

The company began offering the Texas Star Network option to eligible policyholders with operations in network service areas on April 3.

Eligible employers who choose a policy with the Texas Star Network option will benefit from the network system’s focus on occupational medicine. Most will also receive an annual network premium discount of 12 percent. The 12 percent network premium discount is in addition to the 10.7 percent group premium discount and potential dividend-earning ability. Past dividends are not a guarantee of future dividends, and the Texas Department of Insurance must approve all dividend plans.

Texas Mutual Insurance Company partnered with Concentra to form the Texas Star Network.

The THB Workers’ Compensation Purchasing Group provides workers’ comp coverage for every qualifying homebuilder. TDI allows employers in similar businesses to form purchasing groups to help reduce their workers’ comp insurance premiums. HIA administers the group, and Texas Mutual Insurance Company underwrites it.

The Texas Green Industry Workers’ Compensation Purchasing Group provides workers’ compensation coverage for every qualifying member of the Texas Green Industry: landscape and irrigation contractors, nurseries, and growers. HIA formed the group in February 2004 and serves as the group’s administrator.

Injured workers who are covered by the network and live in a network service area will select their treating doctor from the Texas Star Network list of occupational health care providers. Texas Star Network case managers will work with injured workers, employers, and health care providers to facilitate appropriate and cost-effective health care and return-to-work.