Texas Mutual Launches Lumber and Wood Products Purchasing Group

March 6, 2006

Texas Mutual Insurance Company announced its newest workers’ compensation purchasing group: Texas Lumber and Wood Products (TLWP).

The group, which includes loggers, sawmills and window, door and casing manufacturers, will provide qualifying members with workers’ compensation coverage.

The Texas Department of Insurance allows employers in similar businesses to form purchasing groups to help reduce their workers’ compensation insurance premiums. TLWP is an “open” program, which means any Texas insurance agent can place qualifying clients into the group.

“TLWP is one of the few purchasing groups that serve the lumber and wood industry,” said Jim Roskopf of Guaranty Insurance Services, the group’s administrator. “These employers typically engage in fairly high-risk operations. We designed TLWP to help them improve their safety programs and save money on their workers’ compensation premiums.”

Texas Mutual Insurance Company will apply the same premium discount to each TLWP group member, regardless of its individual premium size. Members will have access to a Texas Mutual safety plan developed specifically for their industry, and they will have the opportunity to earn potential individual and group dividends.

Texas Mutual noted that past dividends are not a guarantee of future dividends, and the Texas Department of Insurance must approve all dividends.

For more information about the Texas Lumber and Wood Products purchasing group, contact Jim Roskopf by e-mail at james.roskopf@guarantygroup.com or by phone at (800) 423-3595. For a list of qualifying TLWP classification codes or for more information about Texas Mutual purchasing groups, go to the purchasing group page in the Agents section at texasmutual.com.