Okla. House Committee Votes to Protect Agriculture from Frivolous Lawsuits

February 10, 2006

If you overeat and gain weight, you’ll have to rely on diet and exercise – not a lawsuit – to solve the problem under legislation approved by an Oklahoma House of Representatives committee.

House Bill 3082, by State Rep. Dale DeWitt, creates the “Commonsense Consumption Act” to “prevent frivolous lawsuits against manufacturers, packers, distributors, carriers, holders, sellers, marketers or advertisers of food products.”

“We have the distinct pleasure of having the safest food supply in the world,” said DeWitt, R-Braman. “This legislation just ensures that the people and companies involved in agriculture and food production do not face a lawsuit because an individual happens to be obese.”

House Bill 3082 would protect agricultural and food producers from lawsuits filed by individuals making a claim “arising out of weight gain, obesity, a health condition associated with weight gain or obesity, or other generally known condition allegedly caused by or allegedly likely to result from long-term consumption of food.”

However, lawsuits could still be filed against companies that deliberately mislead the public.

DeWitt noted that corn producers in other states have been targeted by individuals blaming their health problems on consuming corn syrup.

“Some people don’t want to take responsibility for their actions so they blame food producers and try to make a fast buck in the process,” DeWitt said. “This legislation will bring some sanity to our legal system and protect our food supply.”

House Bill 3082 passed out of the House Judiciary Committee and will next go before the entire Oklahoma House of Representatives.

Source: Oklahoma House of Representatives