Hartwig Moss Benefits Reopens New Orleans Office

November 16, 2005

Hartwig Moss Benefits announced that after 11 weeks away, the firm has finally moved back into its offices at 2626 Canal Street in New Orleans. The company had been forced to evacuate due to Hurricane Katrina.

Hartwig Moss Benefits extended its thanks to valued clients and friends for their patience and understanding through this time of upheaval.

“Though we have been unable to access our building and without some basic services throughout time, we feel extremely luck to have had no physical damage to our office structure, all of our paper files, computer systems, etc.,” said Managing Principal Tom Daly. “We will continue working very hard to help our clients resume what they remember to be a normal business life. We remain completely committed to our clients and our community through this rebuilding and redefining process.”

Updated contact information for Hartwig Moss Benefits is:
2626 Canal Street
New Orleans, LA 70119
Phone: (504) 525-9901
Fax: (504) 569-9900