IIABA Selects MHBT as a Best Practices Agency

September 30, 2004

McQueary Henry Bowles Troy L.L.P. (MHBT), one of the largest independent commercial insurance firms in Texas, has been selected as a 2004 Best Practices Agency by the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (IIABA).

MHBT was the only agency in Dallas to receive this honor.

More than 900 independent agencies throughout the United States were nominated to take part in the annual study, but only 195 agencies qualified for the honor. To be selected, nominees had to rank as top performers in one of the seven categories, based on outstanding customer service, growth, stability and financial management.

“We are proud that our efforts to provide superior risk management solutions to our customers has been recognized in this study,” said Bill Henry, chairman and CEO of MHBT. “And we are honored to share our successful strategies with our peers in the industry.”

The Best Practices Study was initiated by IIABA in 1993 as the foundation for efforts to improve agency performance.

The annual survey studies leading independent insurance agencies and documents the business practices of these “best” agencies, providing an industry foundation for sharing these practices.

MHBT is based in Dallas and also has an office in Fort Worth, Texas. MHBT and its precursors have offered global insurance, bonds and financial services since 1926.