Hatch Elected President of AAIP

September 29, 2004

The Austin Association of Insurance Professionals (AAIP) recently announced the election and installation of its officers for the 2004/2005 fiscal year.

The new officers are: President – Connie Hatch, PLUS Inc.; First Vice President – Polly Middlebrook, IIAT; Second Vice President – Cindy Yurkovich, TAGA; Treasurer – Kathy Van Eeten, Crump Insurance Services; Corresponding Secretary – Joanna Benko, Farmers; and Recording Secretary – Bonnie Miller, Ed Weeren Insurance Agency.

Connie Hatch has been with PLUS since its beginning in 1990. She has been an insurance professional for over thirty years, starting on the independent agency side, then switching to an insurance company and finally finding her niche as a specialty broker for the past 25 years. Her experience and vast knowledge makes her an invaluable member of the PLUS team.

Hatch joined Austin Association of Insurance Professionals in 1997. She has been a very active member and has served as a committee chair, and second vice president of the organization prior to being elected as president.

She also served as a committee member and chairperson for TSLA and served a three-year term as a director of the Texas Surplus Lines Association. Hatch won several awards from TSLA for her service.

In addition to announcing the new officers for the year, AAIP honored Jennifer Fudge with the Insurance Professional of the Year award. Fudge began her insurance career in the Houston office of Hobbs Group, and later transferred to the Austin office where she worked as the agency manager for three years. In 2001, she joined the Independent Insurance Agents of Texas where she is the manager of IIAT Insurance Agency Inc., which administers the E&O program for IIAT members.