Delta General Named Employer of the Year by HAIW

December 29, 2003

The Houston Association of Insurance Women (HAIW) and Delta General Agency recently announced that Delta and its president and CEO, Bill Fink, were named Employer of the Year for 2003 by the association.

In presenting the award, HAIW’s Jackie Baca acknowledged that the choice was difficult and that a number of other firms were nominated for the award. They included: Comp Solutions, Axis Insurance Agency and Harco Insurance Agency. She noted that all of these employers have supported HAIW wholeheartedly.

Fink stated that he was stunned and “overwhelmed by the award recognizing Delta as the Employer of the Year by the Houston Association of Insurance Women.

“I want to … extend my thanks and appreciation on behalf of our entire organization,” Fink said. “This award truly acknowledges my desire to promote our company values which includes our commitment to community in supporting your involvement in various associations.”

Fink commended his employees for their involvement in various community and insurance organizations: “I know that many of you are active in a variety of ways and particularly, we are proud of Becky McKinney for serving as president of her chapter of the HAIW; Deborah Waller for serving as president of the Houston Chapter of the NAIW; Ron Newnan has been a board member of the Houston Claims Association; Judy Walker is a life member of the Premium Finance Association of Texas; Len Kaplan is currently serving on the board of the TSLA and has just been added to the FEMA Board of Standards; and I am on the Boards of the AAMGA and the Texas Surplus Lines Stamping Offices.

“And this does not begin to comment on others such as Roya and Lou Ann who are active in the CPCU,” he continued. “Linda through her involvement with the Houston Live Stock and Brenda with the Houston Association of Human Resources. These are the few that come to mind immediately and I am sure that many of you are equally active.”

“In other words, this award recognizes both Delta’s commitment to supporting our voluntary efforts in serving the greater community and your commitment and time to these very important causes. I hope you feel as proud as I do for this award.”

Baca noted that HAIW first presented the award last year; John Holsan of American Financial Services Inc. was the recipient.

“The Houston Association of Insurance Women is a great organization with 35 members strong,” Baca said. Our members are hard working professionals. Our members are committed to providing our industry with continuing education classes and committed to our community by donating our funds and our time to charitable organizations such as The Chimney Rock Foundation … These things could not be possible without the support of our employers. Our employers not only allow us the time—and you know time is money—to attend functions that are vital to our being, but also provide their sponsorship for various events throughout the year. I know I speak for every single member in saying: ‘Thank you … for supporting HAIW.'”

In presenting the award to Delta, Baca said the agency has supported “HAIW not only this year but in years past, [and] is dedicated to their employees, the insurance industry and the community.”