Christensen Takes on Role as IIASA President

November 13, 2003

Maryanna Christensen was recently installed as the 82nd president of the Independent Insurance Agents of San Antonio (IIASA). She began her career in 1976 with Travelers and is currently a principal in the Harding-Conley-Drawert-Tinch Insurance Agency. Christensen has served IIASA on the Board of Directors and in the offices of president-elect and vice president. She is the third president to come from the H-C-D-T firm. Her predecessors include Ace Tinch and Homer Conley.

Christensen is active in the Society of CPCU as national governor and has held all offices and various chairs with the Alamo Chapter CPCU. She is currently a member of the Board of the Association of Builders and Contractors, South Texas Chapter.

Other newly installed IIASA officers include: Dennis Newsome of Barnard Donegan Insurance – president elect; Greg Stevens of Texas Insurance Agency – vice president; and Stephen Ison of David Ison Insurance – treasurer. New board members include Donna G. Biles, Coleman Company Insurance Services; Mike Cook, Wallace Cook Agency; Kristine Eilers, Comaltex Insurance Agency; Lori Flores, Frost Insurance Agency; Win Johnston, Barnard Donegan Insurance; Rick Paludi, Luhn-McCain Insurance; Tod Sund, Insurance Concepts of San Antonio; and Liz Wagner of Cato & Cato.