Online Registration Available for Ark. Workers’ Comp Conference

August 25, 2003

The Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission reported that electronic registration is now available for its Oct. 8 – 10 educational conference. The conference will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel in downtown Little Rock, and registration for both attendees and exhibitors is underway.

Registrations can be made by U.S. mail, on a fax machine, or electronically by using through the agency’s Web site at Electronic registration requires a credit card.

To view a tentative agenda, click the “Conferences” button, then go to “Tentative Program.” The “Tentative Program” also has a registration form for those needing to enroll by mail or fax.

To use the faster, more time-efficient electronic registration, click onto the “Conference” button, then scroll to “Attendee Registration” or “Exhibitor Registration.”

Potential exhibitors, once they click onto their registration button, can survey the “View Floor Plan” to help them decide which booth preferences they want to request. Exhibitors registering electronically will be sent a paper confirmation with their booth assignment.

Attendees registering on the Internet will receive an electronic confirmation.
Both attendees and exhibitors who register on-line will hit the “Submit” button at the end of their registration form, then enter their charge card information on a secured page. Master Card, Visa, and Discover cards are accepted.

Additional information is available by e-mailing, or calling (501) 682-3930 or (800) 622-4472.