CPCU Society Gathers in New Orleans Oct. 11-14

August 11, 2003

CPCUs can learn about the latest property and casualty insurance topics at the CPCU Society’s 59th Annual Meeting and Seminars, taking place in New Orleans, Oct. 11-14.

The Annual Meeting’s Property and Casualty Insurance Track features seminars about important property and casualty insurance topics and industry trends. Focus areas include claims, risk management, litigation management, coverage analysis, reinsurance, workers’ compensation, and more.

CPCUs can earn up to 16 Continuing Education credits in most states, and leave the Annual Meeting with real-world knowledge they can apply to their work when they return home. Property and Casualty Insurance Track highlights include:

·”Directors and Officers in Court!”—Oct. 12, 9 a.m.-12:15 p.m. — This unique seminar developed by the CPCU Society’s Consulting, Litigation & Expert Witness Section is an interactive mock trial, complete with a judge, attorneys, and a jury that will be specially chosen from the audience. A fictitious publicly traded corporation is on trial for the self-dealing and mismanagement of corporate funds for personal gain and for failure of oversight by the directors and officers. The seminar will review underwriting considerations of D&O insurance coverage, the role of the broker and agent in placing coverage for D&O insurance, and the litigation process in a civil suit involving shareholders, outside auditors, and directors and officers. The seminar has been filed for three Continuing Education credits in most states. Stanley Lipshultz‚ will moderate as “judge” during this informative review of the latest claims and litigation management considerations. Seminar participants include an all-star lineup of CPCUs and attorneys.

·”Insuring the eCommerce Account”—Oct. 12, 9 a.m.-12:15 p.m. — R. Bryan Tilden, a national lecturer and expert in the field of insurance, will explore the exclusions, limitations, and coverages associated with the eCommerce account. Attendees will learn about changes in the marketing of products to consumers and businesses, exposures faced in the eCommerce community, the importance of an effective risk management program, the coverages available and deficits of the standard industry

·forms, and the new specialty forms available for the eCommerce account. This seminar has been filed for three Continuing Education credits in most states.

·”Terrorism, Sabotage, Negligence—Are You Prepared to Handle the Next Major Catastrophic Event?”— Oct. 13, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. — This ground-breaking, two-part seminar will review the challenges and issues that confront insurance, risk management, and other professionals involved in analyzing, evaluating, or adjusting catastrophic losses. Developed by the CPCU Society’s Claims Sections, the seminar analyzes a fictitious catastrophic event that will be reviewed from three perspectives: terrorism, intentional act, and negligence. Part One, moderated by Brian Marx, will review access to the damaged site, initial coverage issues, and the assessment of an organization’s terrorism exposure. Part Two, moderated by Darnell Pettengill, will review World Trade Center losses, including equipment valuation and restoration, valuing business interruption losses, and unique rebuilding issues. Part Two will begin at 1:30 p.m., also on Oct. 13. Each part will be filed for two Continuing Education credits in most states.

·”Toxic Mold: Managing the Risk in a Post-Insurance Exclusion Era”—Oct. 13, 1:30-4:45 p.m. —In the post-insurance exclusion era, insurance professionals are dealing with new challenges and professional liability exposures arising out of mold, microbial matter, fungus, bioterrorism, and universal insurance exclusions. This seminar will discuss how to develop a mold risk management protocol, which includes the identification, prevention, control, and financing of mold-related loss exposures. It will review the need for implementing professional liability risk management protocols to avoid liability for uninsured claims. David Dybdahl will be the lead presenter of this seminar, which has been filed for three Continuing Education credits in most states.

A complete description of Annual Meeting seminars is available on the CPCU Society’s Web site, www.cpcusociety.org. Visit the Society’s Web site to find registration information and meeting updates, or contact the Society’s Member Resource Center at (800) 932-CPCU, option 5, or send an e-mail to membercenter@cpcusociety.org.