TCAIS Publishes Insurance 101 Booklet for Texas

January 23, 2003

The Texas Coalition for Affordable Insurance Solutions (TCAIS) announced the release of a timely and informative booklet titled: “Insurance 101: A guide to understanding auto and home insurance in the Lone Star State.” The coalition, whose membershhip includes insurance companies, said it produced the book in an effort to promote effective reform of insurance industry regulation in Texas.

“Insurance 101 will help Texans better understand the basic concepts of insurance–such as rates, policies, what factors affect the cost of coverage, and which questions consumers should ask when buying insurance,” said Beaman Floyd, director of TCAIS. “Insurance is a state-regulated business and it can be complicated. Providing a practical, easy-to-read guide helps legislators answer constituent concerns and helps consumers make more informed choices about their own insurance coverage needs.”

The booklet is being widely distributed through traditional and electronic mailings to Texas legislators, media outlets, insurance agents and consumers. Texans can also access Insurance 101 online by simply visiting the TCAIS Web site at

“When insurance companies compete for business, everyone wins,” Floyd said . “Unlike consumers in Illinois and South Carolina, Texans don’t have a large number of companies competing for their business. In the past, the state limited how many types of homeowner policies insurance companies could sell. That has led to fewer options for consumers.

“TCAIS supports regulations to protect Texans from fraud and abuse while encouraging more insurance companies to enter and stay in the Texas market,” Floyd said. “Good public policy involves long-term solutions—not quick fixes—so Texans can take advantage of more insurance policy choices and shop for the best coverage based on price and services offered.”