TWCC To Hold Jan. 22 Public Meeting

January 21, 2003

The Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission will hold a scheduled public meeting in Austin at 10:30 a.m. on Jan. 22.

Included on the agenda are:
1. Discussion, consideration and possible action on re-adoption of rules pursuant to rules review:
Chapter 109 Worker’s compensation coverage for state employees
Rule 109.1 State agencies: general provisions
Chapter 120 Compensation procedure – employers
Rule 120.1 Employer’s record of injuries
Rule 120.2 Employer’s first report of injury
Rule 120.3 Employer’s supplemental report of injury
2. Discussion, consideration and possible action on review of hazardous employer program for authorization to continue the notification cycle for 2003 (rule 164.14 (c)).
3. Discussion, consideration and possible action on requests for reinstatement to the approved doctor list.

Items for executive session:
1. Pursuant to section 551.074, government code, to consider personnel related matters involving public officers or employees; and pursuant to section 551.071, government code, to discuss matters relating to and to receive advice from counsel concerning privileged attorney-client communications, settlement offers, and/or contemplated and pending litigation including:
· Texas AFL-CIO and Texas Medical Association v. Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission, Cause No. Gn202.203, District Court, Travis County, Texas
· Patient Advocates Of Texas v. Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission, 2002 Tex. App. Lexis 2877
· East Side Surgical Center and the Clinic For Special Surgery v. Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission, Richard Reynolds, State Office Of Administrative Hearings, and Chief Administrative Law Judge, Sheila Bailey Taylor, Cause No Gn2002229, 98th Judicial District Of Travis County
· Dr. Bell And Dr. Rogers V. Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission, Richard Reynolds, Cause No Gn201971, 126th District Court, Travis County, Texas
· Dr. Howell and First Rio Valley Medical v. Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission, and Envoy Medical Systems, Cause No Gn 200967, 201st Judicial District Court, Travis County, Texas.
2. Discussion, consideration and possible action on request for renewal of certificate of authority to self-insure: Kmart Corporation.
3. Discussion, consideration and possible action relating to Texas AFL-CIO and Texas Medical Association v. Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission, Cause No. Gn-202203, 126th Judicial District Of Travis County, Texas, including amendment or other action regarding or relating to:
Chapter 134 Benefits – Guidelines for medical services, charges, and payments
Rule 134.1 Use of the fee guidelines
Rule 134.201 Medical fee guideline for medical treatments and services provided under the Texas Workers’ Compensation Act
Rule 134.202 Medical Fee Guideline.
4. Discussion, consideration and possible action/revision of internal audit charter for the Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission.
5. Discussion, consideration and possible action on proposal of new rules:
Chapter 134 Benefits – Guidelines for medical services, charges and payments
Subchapter e Use of the fee guidelines
Rule 134.402 Ambulatory surgical center fee guideline
Rule 134.403 Hospital and specialty care facility fee guideline – outpatient
Rule 134.404 Hospital facility fee guideline – inpatient.