IIA Arkansas to Conduct CIC & CISR Programs

October 22, 2002

The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research and the Independent Insurance Agents (IIA) of Arkansas have announced that the IIA of Arkansas will assume administrative leadership of the Certified Insurance Counselors (CIC) and Certified Insurance Service Representatives (CISR) Programs in Arkansas.

The CIC Program, founded in 1969, is a leading source of advanced, technical education for the practicing insurance professional. The CISR Program, a companion to the CIC Program since 1986, provides practical education and training for all agency and company employees, particularly customer service representatives, in both classroom and online formats. Both CIC and CISR are designation programs as well as continuing education opportunities.

The IIA of Arkansas will conduct its first CIC institute December 4-7, 2002 in Little Rock and the first CISR course will commence January 28, 2003. The 2003 program schedule for Arkansas has recently been finalized.

For specific information about CIC institutes and CISR course offerings in Arkansas, contact the IIA of Arkansas: 800/221-3132, www.iiaar.org; or The National Alliance: 800/633-2165, www.scic.com.