Brown Conviction Upheld in Louisiana

August 29, 2002

A federal appeals court recently upheld the felony conviction of suspended Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Brown but, according to the New Orleans Times-Picayune, Brown is vowing to continue the fight to clear his name.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Brown’s October 2000 conviction for lying to an FBI agent when he was interviewed about the state’s settlement with a failed insurance company. Although sentenced to six months in prison at the time, Brown has been free during the appeal process. Federal prosecutors are reportedly now itching to have Brown in jail; he would be assigned to a minimum-security prison.

Brown has been suspended since his convicted but he has indicated he has no plans to resign from office, and believe there is no requirement to do so until his appeals are exhausted.

In advance of the Appeals Court ruling, Acting Insurance Commissioner J. Robert Wooley commented that he expected the conviction against Brown to be overturned and that Brown would soon return to his job. Wooley indicated he would not run for the commissioner’s office if Brown resumes as insurance commissioner; however, he did not rule out the possibility of running for the spot if Brown loses his appeals.