New La. Auto, Homeowners Rate Comparison Guides Available

August 20, 2002

Louisiana Acting Commissioner of Insurance J. Robert Wooley announced the compilation of new rate comparison guides for auto and homeowners insurance, which are available free of charge.

“Both the auto and the homeowners guides give rate examples from more than 20 insurance companies in all areas of the state,” Wooley said. “Whether a person needs rates for an 18-year-old single male, a 30-year-old married female, a retired 65-year-old or someone in between, the auto guide provides an example of rates different individuals can expect to pay. The homeowners guide offers approximate rates for new and older homes all across Louisiana with values ranging from $60,000 to $200,000.”

“The information in the guides is limited to cost comparison,” Wooley said, “but the decision to buy insurance from a particular company should also include consideration of a variety of other factors, such as whether the company pays claims in a timely manner. The Department can provide information on the national rating of each company and the number of complaints, if any, that have been filed against each company or agent.”