TWCC Launches Online Injury Report System

July 26, 2002

The Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission (TWCC) has unveiled a new online tool, the Online Occupational Injury Custom Reports System, to assist safety and health professionals, insurance carriers, and other individuals target injury prevention initiatives and improve the health and safety of the Texas workforce.

The Web-enabled database system allows the public to query occupational injury information from the agency’s Web site.

The user can query three separate databases: workers’ compensation claims data; injury rates from a statewide survey, and occupational fatalities. Workers’ compensation claims data is based on injuries reported by covered employers and does not contain any confidential claim file information. The injury rates are from a statewide survey of both covered and non-covered employers. The occupational fatalities information is based on news clips and death certificates. Because the information in these databases and TWCC generated reports are compiled from different sources, the results reflected in reports may vary.

After choosing a database, the user can then choose up to 20 criteria for detailed data reports. These criteria range from causes and types of injuries to demographic information such as geographic distribution, occupation, gender, and ethnicity.

After a database and criteria is selected, the user will automatically receive a custom report, which provides results in tabular and graphical format, as well as raw data files that can be downloaded to a spreadsheet. Reports provide overall totals and demographic analysis. Median and mean medical and income cost data is provided for workers’ compensation claims data.

Although the Custom Reports System is easy to use, the system’s help links provide detailed instructions to enable the user to navigate the screens, understand the reports, and get the most out of the system.

The TWCC Occupational Injury Reports System can be found on the agency’s Web site at: