Markets/Coverages: Beazley Updates Primary U.S. Public D&O Offering

April 3, 2023

Specialist insurer Beazley has announced a refreshed Primary U.S. Public D&O wording, available both in the London Market and on a Surplus Lines basis in the U.S.

Beazley said it has taken the step to simplify their wording, which includes enhanced pre-claims coverage, expanded side A coverage, broad foreign exposure coverage and streamlined exclusionary language.

Wayne Imrie, head of London Market Wholesale Executive Risks at Beazley, commented: “During the last 12 months, our claims and underwriting teams carried out an extensive review of all the existing coverages available across the market and reimagined how our offering could be expanded. The product of this work is Beazley Boardroom Protect 2023.”

Jeremie Saada, Head of U.S. Executive Risk, added, “This is what our broker partners and clients have asked of us. Our bold, market-leading U.S. D&O policies bring confidence and certainty, and we are proud to build on this with our reimagined, simplified solution for our brokers and clients. Beazley Boardroom Protect 2023 will initially be available on surplus lines but we look forward to offering it on U.S. admitted paper later this year.”