Tech Trends Unpacked at Insurtech Summit

February 6, 2023 by

A new event recently brought insurtech experts together to explore trends and share tips.

On Jan. 20, industry groundbreakers, forward-thinking agents and other digital thought leaders in the independent agency space gathered in Savannah, Ga., for the first Big “I” InsurTech Summit. The assembly was part of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America winter meeting.

Larger firms have invested significantly in insurtech, but “In the middle of the bell curve, there’s a lot of privately held firms or agencies that are out there that are really looking for ways to become and remain viable and to figure out how to embrace technology,” said Chris Cline, executive director of the Big “I” Agents Council for Technology.

Confusion and uncertainty present hurdles. Large numbers of options are overwhelming. The 90-minute, panel-style Big “I” forum shared examples of how agencies can take existing or evolving strategies and business goals and effectively leverage technology to bring them to life. Participants also dissected return on investments and looked to the insurance industry’s connected future.

The event was the first in a series held throughout 2023 to encourage independent agents, brokers and carriers to learn about – and embrace – increasingly available game-changing technology.

Panelists encouraged independent agencies to maximize their existing toolkits, cultivate a culture of innovation and introduce new tech in steps. Jason Walker, president of Agency Revolution, recommended hearing out employees who are averse to change – as their voices can provide key talking points when meeting with insurtechs.

“That’s usually the most valuable information to then set yourself up with a vendor or a technologist to say, ‘These are the things you must solve in order for us to make a decision to work with you,'” Walker explained.

A free video recording of the summit is available on YouTube. The program was presented in partnership with AscendIA and the Agents Council for Technology. Travelers was the Diamond sponsor.

The event provided insights on different facets of insurtech and their relevance and role in the independent agency channel in the future. ACT and the Big “I” InsurTech Task Force will review and evaluate the InsurTech Summit and the ACT Tech Summit to continue bringing the most value to members and carrier partners.

The Big “I” task force will announce the next InsurTech Summit soon.

“There’s a plethora of tools and resources available for independent agents, but from an agency owner perspective it can be overwhelming sorting through the noise,” says Chip Bacciocco, CEO of, who moderated the winter meeting panels. “We’re glad to assemble these thought leaders to demystify insurtech and help agents take advantage of all the solutions this digital age has to offer.”