Safety Council Finds Employer Vaccine Mandates Boost Worker Vaccination Rate 20%

January 7, 2022

The National Safety Council (NSC) released survey findings showing that employer vaccine requirements are driving higher vaccination rates among workers.

According to the survey, employer vaccine requirement led to a 20% increase in worker vaccination uptake. About 95% of workers with an employer vaccine requirement were vaccinated and 75% of workers without a requirement were vaccinated.

The survey is being released as the U.S. Supreme Court is slated to debate President Biden’s federal vaccine mandate today,

A total of 81.4% of workers have received at least one vaccine dose and 94.8% of that group is fully vaccinated, the safety group reported.

Only 32% of workers said they are required by their employer to be vaccinated.

Other findings:

  • Unvaccinated respondents show little interest in vaccine uptake. Eighty-eight percent of unvaccinated respondents said they would not get vaccinated to meet workplace vaccine requirements.
  • In addition, vaccine misinformation and disinformation continue to affect vaccinated and unvaccinated workers differently. Vaccinated respondents were better able to accurately label information and misinformation as “true” or “false,” while unvaccinated respondents were more likely to inaccurately label the statements, or choose answers such as “probably false,” or “unsure.”

The survey by the nonprofit National Safety Council was distributed to 1,017 current workers ages 18–65 in the U.S. and was conducted between December 17–23.

Source: National Safety Council Workforce Trends Indicator Survey