Marsh & McLennan Hires Diversity Officer With Experience at Starbucks, NBA

February 12, 2021

Global insurance and professional services firm Marsh & McLennan Cos. announced that Nzinga Shaw will join the company as chief Inclusion & Diversity officer effective February 16.

Shaw most recently served as Starbucks Coffee Co.’s global chief Inclusion & Diversity officer. There she was instrumental in creating accountability and tying rewards to progress toward I&D goals, and helping to advance 100% pay equity. Prior to Starbucks, she was the chief Diversity & Inclusion officer for the Atlanta Hawks, the first role of its kind in the National Basketball Association.

Shaw will report to Carmen Fernandez, the company’s Chief People Officer.

“Last year, we committed to several actions to create change within Marsh & McLennan, including strengthening our I&D measurement metrics and reporting, developing a leadership program for Black colleagues, and implementing unconscious bias, allyship and inclusive leadership training for every leader,” Fernandez said.

Fernandez said Shaw will accelerate these efforts and “actively bring all colleagues fully into the life and work of our company, with accountability and transparency.”