Berkshire Hathaway Guard Expands Professional Liability Products Into Multiple States

September 24, 2020

Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Insurance Companies has further expanded its professional liability products including coverage for lawyers, architects and engineers, accountants, as well as nearly 100 other classes of business.

The company has added professional liability coverage for lawyers in Alabama and New Mexico, accountants in Arizona and Illinois, and architects and engineers in Missouri, bringing its professional liability coverage expansion to eight states this year with plans for a dozen more by year end.

According to Sy Foguel, Berkshire Hathaway GUARD CEO, the company began writing professional liability for a limited number of classes in 13 states back in 2016 and now offers professional liability in 32 states. It has plans to continue offering these products to all available classes nationwide in the near future.

The professional liability product is designed to address the damages commonly incurred as a result of wrongful acts. Depending on the line of business, limits are available from $100,000 up to $5 million with a range of deductible options. Full prior acts coverage and subpoena assistance may be requested along with a variety of other optional add-ons.

Policyholders can also access online training videos, a risk-management help line and website for lawyers, and 24/7 self-service features via an online service center and mobile app.