Pie Workers’ Comp ‘Appetite Checker’ Slices Agents’ Wait Time on Risk Eligibility

August 5, 2020

Pie Insurance, a technology-driven workers’ compensation provider for small businesses, has a new portal that it says makes it easier for agents to submit their workers’ compensation accounts and track their status in real time.

Pie said the portal features an “integrated appetite checker” that makes automatic decisions on more than 70% of class codes so agents can find out quickly whether Pie is interested in writing the account.

Pie’s said its ability to “auto-decide such a high percentage of class codes ensures agents get the information they need faster to better serve their clients.”

The 30% of class codes that cannot be “auto-decided” represent risks that require extra review by one of Pie’s underwriters, according to the firm.

“This functionality is a game changer for our agency partners,” said Dax Craig, president and co-founder of Pie Insurance. “For decades, agents have submitted their clients’ information to a carrier and waited up to weeks for an answer to the question, ‘can you offer coverage?’ By providing automatic bind and decline decisions for our partner agents, Pie is transforming the way agents do business.”

The appetite checker enables agents to gauge whether their clients fit within Pie’s desired business categories. Agents can submit those clients without having to log into a new system, then see Pie’s decisions instantly and track status updates in real time in a dashboard.

Garry McDade, workers’ comp division director at Morstan General Agency, a division of Hull & Co. said the new feature allows Morstan’s team to know within minutes if a risk is eligible and if if they should expect to receive a proposal. “This type of efficiency is key to serving our clients and growing as an organization,” he said in prepared remarks.

Pie operates as a managing general agency for Sirius America Insurance Co., a subsidiary of Sirius Group. It provides workers’ compensation insurance directly to small businesses and also partners with insurance agencies wanting to provide coverage to their clients.

Source: Pie Insurance