Chubb Investigating Possible Cyber Attack; Says Network Unaffected

March 27, 2020 by

Chubb confirmed that is looking into a possible hack attack, though a spokesperson said the insurance giant’s network appears at this point to be unaffected.

“We are currently investigating a computer security incident that may involve unauthorized access to data held by a third-party service provider,” a company spokesman told Carrier Management via email.

The Chubb spokesman said the insurer is “working with law enforcement and a leading cybersecurity firm” as part of its investigation. He also downplayed any effect the incident may have had on the insurer’s operations.

“We have no evidence that the incident affected Chubb’s network,” he said. “Our network remains fully operational and we will continue to service all policyholder needs, including claims. Securing the data entrusted to Chubb is a top priority for us. We will provide further information as appropriate.”

The spokesman declined to disclose further details.

A threat analyst from the New Zealand based web security firm Emsisoft publicized the possible hack attack in a March 26 email to news media, claiming that the Maze ransomware group hit the company and stole its data. The analyst wrote the data hasn’t been published yet.