Worldwide Facilities to Offer CBIC Design Professionals Program

November 29, 2017

Worldwide Facilities has been appointed by CBIC, an RLI Company, to offer its insurance program for design professionals.

The program’s target classes include architectural firms, landscape architects, civil and structural engineers, surveyors, and interior designers. Construction and project management consultants are also included, as are electrical and mechanical engineers and technical design consultants.

Coverage spans business owners’ property and general liability, excess liability, automobile and workers’ compensation coverage, and professional liability. This program is available in five states: Oregon, New Mexico, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming.

Kyle Domire, assistant vice president at Worldwide Facilities, said through this agreement Worldwide Facilities can write custom coverage aligned with the businesses its agents and brokers serve.

Worldwide Facilities is a national wholesale insurance broker and managing general agent focused on a range of specialty lines.