RRS to Address Auto Coverage Gap Through Xpress Autoguard Program

February 16, 2017

Reliance Risk Solutions (RRS), the high net worth personal insurance division of Appalachian Underwriters, has developed a new program to address the coverage gap for many personal and commercial automobile policies with regard to physical damage loss settlement.

RRS’s Xpress Autoguard, available in partnership with Lloyd’s, is a form that wraps around an underlying automobile policy to afford agreed value loss settlement in the event an underlying automobile insurance carrier declares a vehicle a “total loss”.

Xpress Autoguard was designed for insureds who:

  • Cannot obtain agreed value cover in their state due to DOI restrictions
  • Find it more cost effective to place their auto insurance with a company who cannot offer agreed value cover
  • Had agreed value cover with an insurance company but are no longer eligible due to underwriting appetite changes

Appalachian Underwriters, Inc. is a full-service MGA and wholesale insurance brokerage, specializing in workers’ compensation, commercial specialty, and personal lines of insurance.