International Drone Racing Association Launches Primary Coverage for Drone Pilots

February 13, 2017

The International Drone Racing Association (IDRA) has launched a primary UAV aircraft liability insurance policy to cover drone pilots worldwide. Included with the rollout of IDRA’s membership service, each IDRA member will be insured, with a $1 million UAV liability coverage limit including operations for recreational use, UAS training for competitions, and racing/competitions around the world.

To lower costs for annual memberships and design a policy that best fits individual needs, there are three categories of memberships, determined by the quantity of drones owned and to be insured.

  • $165 – 2 Drones
  • $215 – 3 Drones
  • $265 – 4 Drones

Each policy provides $1 million in UAV aircraft liability per occurrence,

IDRA can structure policies on an individual basis for those members who wish to insure more than four drones. The IDRA insurance policy does not cover the commercial use of drones, only recreationally flying, training for competitions, and competing in events. In the insurance industry, commercial drone policies are designed on an individual basis to correlate with the risk associated with the commercial operation, such as commercial aerial photography.

Pilots must adhere to IDRA Rules & Regulations, which includes its safety manuel, and comply with government regulations to be covered for liability claims.

Additionally, IDRA will offer event liability insurance to race organizers around the world (not excluding other types of drone related events). IDRA event insurance, available at $200, is a $2 million policy for liabilities. With IDRA event insurance, the event will operate with the IDRA’s rules & regulations, safety manual, and risk assessment procedures.

The broker for the IDRA policy, AVION Insurance, is an aviation insurance specialty broker placing and servicing aviation insurance risks directly appointed by numerous carriers specializing in the aviation industry,.