Bad Attitudes That Get in the Way of Success at Work

October 18, 2016 by

“Martha has so much going for her, but she could be doing so much more for herself.”

How many people do you know or work with like that? What keeps us from getting to where we want to be or what we want to do? Sure, it may be a lack of the right skills, bad luck, having other goals, or just being plain lazy.

More likely, however, the answer is elsewhere and much closer to home. We can call them “everyday” attitudes that are so much apart of us we don’t know the damage they’re doing. Here are some of them:

More often than not, it’s self-justifying and defensive attitudes that kill success. Rather than allowing someone to think we could have done more, perhaps much more with ourselves, how much better is it to have them say, “She’s done so much with herself. More than I ever thought she would.” We can call that success.

Graham of GrahamComm is a marketing and sales strategy consultant and business writer. He is the creator of “Magnet Marketing,” and publishes a free monthly eBulletin, “No Nonsense Marketing & Sales Ideas.” He can be reached at at, 617-774-9759 or